Monday, January 30, 2017

30 Jan 2017

Dearest Lucy,

I had a very bizarre dream last night. It involved strange things like million step staircases, something related to Donald Trump, Downtown Abby (Daisy was serving me pizza and reminded me of my Lucy, at which time I began to bawl and bawl in my dream.) I woke up from my dream and thought I heard Emiko's voice saying, "Momma. Momma. Momma." It was clear but spoken in a whisper. I looked around trying to find her and asked her where she was. But then I heard David crying in his room. So I got out of bed to take care of him. Both Emiko and Rosie were sound asleep in their beds. While I nursed David back to sleep, I couldn't help wonder if that clear, audible voice I heard was yours. Did you wake me up so I could take care of little David? I was VERY tired last night. Where you watching out for him? I pray every night that angels will watch over my little ones while they sleep. Are you one of those angels, watching over your sisters and brother as they sleep each night? I said a prayer to Heavenly Father asking Him to let you know how much I love you. I hope you got the message, my sweet one. Even if it was only in a dream, it was a real treasure to hear your little voice and to hear you call me Momma.

I love you and miss you dearly.