Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dear Lucy-Girl,

I just want you to know that your Poppa thinks about you often. I haven’t forgotten my little girl. This year was particularly hard for me because we weren’t sure when Rosie would come. I wondered if she would fall on Emiko’s birthday or yours. I know you guys wouldn’t mind sharing. I wish I had gotten to know you.

Five years ago today was the saddest day of my life. I never knew pain or sorrow or loss or grief until we lost you. I miss you so much, Lucy-Girl. I sometimes think what it would be like to have my little five-year old. How different things would be! You’d be in kindergarten this year. You would be in the CTR class at church. You would be my big helper with Emiko. You would be helping Momma around the house so she could get ready for Rosie. You would greet me when I came home from work and run laughing and smiling into your Poppa’s arms.

Oh, Lucy. Will you keep an eye out for us? For all of us? Come and be with us. We always want you in our lives and in our home. Help our little family in whatever ways you can. Keep working the good work on your side of the veil. Part of being in this family is our commitment to the Savior and our willingness to sacrifice everything for His sake. Do good and make us proud. And when we finally meet, you can show us all that you’ve been up to. And maybe, if Poppa is good, I hope someday we will be privileged to raise you in the Millennium.

Love to my sweetest, brightest Lucy-Girl,


Dear Lucy,

It is so hard to believe that it’s been five years since we lost you. You were with us for such a short time. As I was praying to Heavenly Father this evening, I was reminded of how much you have helped me (and still do) to learn and grow and become a better person. There are lessons I learned from carrying you for those short 21 weeks and the painful weeks that followed our loss.

Today is your special day. We remembered you during our Family Home Evening tonight, like we do every Monday night during FHE, by sitting on your special blanket. The one I made for you, but never got the chance to wrap you up in. Or to hold you in.

I miss you sweet baby. I often wonder how different our lives would be if we had a 4 ½, almost 5 year old with us in our little family. I’m sure you would have been a wonderful big sister for Emiko.

I don’t really understand exactly where you are or when/how exactly I will see you again, but I trust in Heavenly Father that everything will work out perfectly for you and for us according to His time and His will.

I love you, my little girl. Thank you for being a part of my life, even though you seem so far away.

All my love,
Your Momma

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